
Don’t Bury Us… We’re Not Dead!

Anyone who recognizes the movie tagline we’re riffing on… wins a tetrodoxotrin Chiclet.

Yup, we’re still around and sporting a new look online. The Afterhell website has gotten a fiery new makeover and a new blog. More than that, Ollin Productions has a website of its own where you’ll find a shingle for all of our projects. Our thanks to Ali for doing all the design and coding in record time!

Unlike the revamped website, updates have been slow in coming. We’ve been overwhelmed, plain and simple — everybody’s day jobs, family emergencies, tons of sound work and writing to do — not enough time to do it all.

Fortunately, causes for delay aren’t all bad. Watch this spiffy new space for good news in a few weeks.

Thanks for sticking with us! We’ll get back to freaking you all out good ‘n’ proper shortly.

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Written: Jun 15, 2008

Excuse the mess

Hey, please excuse the construction for the next couple days as I customize this wordpress theme and just generally spruce up the whole site. So if you find anything broken or missing, rest assured it is temporary!

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Written: May 16, 2008

Excerpt from: “Updates, quandries, and other noises”

Taken from one of our personal blog entries:

LJ Uber-drama
I’m sure everyone else has heard about this by now. Certainly lots of blog postings out there. Some of them are even useful.

I’m not going to get into all the back-and-forth, the horribly translated Russian interviews with the Powers That Be, the yay’s or nays (deliberate word choice) regarding the big boycott on Good Friday, or any of that. My understanding of the whole thing boils down to a few simple things:

  1. LJ intends to close up the no-cost, ad-free Basic Account level.
  2. They didn’t intend to let anyone know about it.
  3. They were also caught censoring user interests, rendering them invisible on key listings.
  4. They have now fostered a hostile relationship with their customers — and their content — for several months.
  5. There’s no sign that it’s going to stop.

On the first point… sad, I guess. But it happens. It’s a business. They have to make money, yadda yadda. That’s a fair complaint. If they had just said so, and not resorted to item number two, people would grump, but eventually deal. Look at DeadJournal. I bitched, but I moved on. And they’re still around.

But it’s the last three items that give me and Jamie pause. And how many times has LJ gone to war with its customers over content — two times? three? — in the current management’s first 100 days at the helm?

Content issues are a big deal for us. It’s not just a hobby for us. This is our business. We have to make money too. We do an audiodrama show that’s clearly, loudly, proudly not for everybody. How long will it be before LJ has a problem with us?

We’re really busy now. We don’t need this kind of grief now. I’m working on several scripts, some of the Willamette Radio Workshop, some for Afterhell. I’m mixing a new episode fast as I can, when I’m not writing, collapsing from fatigue, fielding family emergencies, or trying to medicate cats. Deadlines are looming close behind.

So we’re left with two choices. Pray that LiveJournal never comes after us. Or take Afterhell off of LiveJournal ourselves.

We’re preparing to move the Afterhell blog.

I’ll be cross-posting this elsewhere.

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Written: Mar 25, 2008

Signing In

Hi, folks!  We’re opening a community blog for the Afterhell audio project, so I decided to get a LJ account here for it.  I’ll be using this space mainly to discuss AH, radio shows, dark fantasy, and maybe creativity in general.

Our current status is pretty good so far.  The first ep is available on CD at our online store and looks great.  Props to Alida Saxon, our webmistress and all-around kewl grrl.  This blog was her idea and she’s been generous as well as fast in putting this together.  Contributor copies have gone out to our cast, and we’ve gotten our first few sales!  So far the response has been positive.

We’re hoping to sell at least 100 copies.  Once that happens, we can make more eps!  We’ve already got three scripts and a few story outlines in the pipeline…waiting.

Our main focus now is promotion.  We’ve got to get some CDs into people’s heads ASAP.  We need victims.

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Written: May 7, 2004